Red Beret

Red Beret

By: Vivek Agrawal

Red Barret prevented 22 deadly attacks by two foreign spy agencies on the country's prime minister.

Film / Series / Podcast

Seasons: 3

Episodes: 8

The Indian Prime Minister, Priyadarshini, to comply with its wishes. Whether it’s in matters of internal security or trade, America seeks dominance. However, Priyadarshini, a strong-willed, proud, and patriotic leader, prioritizes India’s sovereignty above all else. She refuses to bow down to any foreign power, which displeases America. Consequently, the CIA assigns its most dangerous agent, Robert, with the task of assassinating Priyadarshini. Yet, the Indian military intelligence unit’s Red Beret commando team consistently thwarts Robert’s plans. He devises 22 attacks, but each time, Red Beret counters with a fitting response. Safeguarding Priyadarshini, the Prime Minister of India, is the primary mission of the Red Beret team.
Red Beret operates clandestinely under the Tactical Action Group (TAG), an army department, and is led by Brigadier Vishambhar Dayal. The team directly reports to the Prime Minister, with instructions to seek guidance from the Army Chief only when necessary. Red Beret’s sole responsibility is to protect the Prime Minister, employing any means necessary to thwart conspiracies against the country. They gather intelligence by apprehending active enemies and resort to lethal force if capturing them proves impossible. Red Beret operates beyond national borders, working independently for any cause worldwide. The team consists of 25 core members who handle all operations, occasionally enlisting comrades from other army divisions or battalions as required. The identities of individual members and their specific roles within Red Beret remain undisclosed.
The novel “Red Barret” offers an exhilarating and graphic account of these events, presenting some of the many remarkable stories showcasing the bravery and valor of the Indian military intelligence unit, particularly the Red Beret commando team.




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